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How Human Resources can Benefit from Augmented Reality

Technology has completely changed several industries in the last few years, and human resources (HR) is no different. Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the most exciting technological developments in HR. With augmented reality (AR), users can perceive and interact with their surroundings more effectively by superimposing digital information over the real world. It could change how HR specialists do their jobs and enhance the working environment for all employees.

Technology is now a vital tool for HR professionals due to the complexity of HR functions and the requirement for effective and efficient processes. They can automate monotonous work, simplify their operations, and concentrate on important projects that lead to the company’s success. HR can reap many advantages from implementing augmented reality. Training and development programs become more effective by offering employees a more immersive and engaging experience. Second, it improves the hiring process by giving candidates a virtual tour of the workplace and job duties. Thirdly, it makes orientation & onboarding better by giving new hires engaging and educational experiences. In addition, it can be applied to succession planning, health and safety training, employee engagement, performance management, & diversity and inclusion training.

Written materials, classroom sessions, and presentations are standard components of traditional training methods. Although these approaches have advantages, workers may find them uninteresting and passive. Conversely, augmented reality training provides a more engaging and dynamic learning environment. Instead of just listening or reading, employees can learn by doing AR training. For instance, employees in a manufacturing setting can view virtual instructions superimposed on the actual equipment using AR glasses or headsets.

In a secure and regulated setting, they can acquire the skills necessary to operate machinery or carry out intricate tasks. AR training has several benefits. First, since workers are actively involved in the learning process, knowledge retention is improved. Second, by offering real-time direction and feedback, it lowers the possibility of mistakes and mishaps. Third, it enables customized and flexible learning experiences that are tailored to each employee’s unique requirements and preferred method of learning.

Numerous companies have already incorporated AR training into their personnel procedures. Walmart, for example, trains staff members on new procedures & technologies using augmented reality headsets. This allows them to practice and learn in a virtual setting before using their skills in the actual world.

Likewise, medical schools utilize augmented reality (AR) to educate future physicians and surgeons, enabling them to practice intricate procedures without fearing patient injury. For HR professionals, the hiring process can be tough at times. They must entice top talent, evaluate applicants’ qualifications & organizational fit, and make well-informed hiring decisions. By giving applicants a virtual tour of the position and workplace, augmented reality (AR) can significantly enhance the recruitment process.

Candidates can complete tasks and work through issues in virtual job simulations created with augmented reality (AR). This enables recruiters to evaluate their skills and abilities and provides them with a realistic preview of the position. AR can also be utilized to highlight the company’s values and culture to give prospective employees a better idea of what it’s like to work for the company. Numerous businesses have already incorporated AR into their hiring processes.

For instance, candidates can explore and interact with virtual vehicles using an augmented reality app developed by Jaguar Land Rover. This offers a distinctive and unforgettable experience and draws in tech-savvy candidates. Similarly, using augmented reality, L’Oreal overlays virtual makeup on interviewees’ faces to gauge their makeup prowess.

Orientation and onboarding are important phases in an employee’s employment relationship with a company. It helps them fit in with the company culture & sets the tone for their experience. Through engaging and educational experiences, augmented reality (AR) can improve orientation and onboarding for new employees. With augmented reality (AR), employers can provide virtual tours introducing new hires to key personnel, departments, and facilities. Also, it can offer them interactive manuals & tutorials on the business’s policies, practices, and systems. This expedites the onboarding process and guarantees that newly hired personnel have the knowledge & skills needed to carry out their jobs well.

AR has already been included in onboarding & orientation programs by several companies. For example, UPS uses augmented reality (AR) to teach new package handlers how to sort packages. This enables them to work with real packages after practicing in a virtual setting. Similarly, Hilton Hotels lets new hires get acquainted with the layout & amenities of their properties by using augmented reality to offer virtual tours of their establishments. Performance management, which includes goal-setting, feedback-giving, & performance evaluation of employees, is an essential component of human resources.

Traditional performance management procedures, however, can be laborious, subjective, & discouraging. By offering data-driven insights, individualized coaching, and real-time feedback, augmented reality (AR) can enhance performance management. Employee performance data and feedback can be given in real-time with AR. AR glasses, for instance, can show the number of calls placed, deals completed, & money made in a sales setting.

This enables staff members to monitor their development and instantly modify their strategy. AR can also offer individualized coaching by superimposing virtual guidelines and advice over the worker’s field of vision. Several organizations have already incorporated AR into performance management procedures.

Siemens, for example, employs AR to give technicians real-time direction and instructions while they’re performing intricate repairs. This lowers the possibility of errors while simultaneously increasing their efficiency. Similarly, Walmart uses AR to give employees real-time feedback on their stocking and inventory management performance. A successful organization depends on motivated & engaged employees. Motivated & engaged workers are more creative, dedicated, and productive.

Thanks to its immersive and interactive experiences, augmented reality (AR) can increase employee motivation and engagement by making work more fulfilling and joyful. With the help of augmented reality, businesses can develop gamified experiences that motivate staff members to finish tasks or reach objectives. In a manufacturing setting, workers can receive badges or points for precisely and quickly finishing tasks. This encourages a sense of accomplishment & competition and makes work more enjoyable. Moreover, employees’ motivation & morale can be raised by using augmented reality (AR) to identify and honor their contributions.

Several companies have already used AR to improve employee motivation and engagement. Coca-Cola, for example, developed an augmented reality app that enables staff members to earn virtual currency by completing challenges and assignments. They can exchange these coins for incentives and prizes.

To promote cooperation and camaraderie among staff members, Deloitte also uses augmented reality to create virtual scavenger hunts for team-building exercises. Health and safety training is essential to guarantee employee welfare and regulatory compliance. However, conventional training techniques can be less effective and more passive when it comes to effectively communicating the significance of safety procedures.

By offering interactive & realistic simulations of risky scenarios, augmented reality (AR) can enhance health and safety training. Employees can practice safety procedures and emergency response by using augmented reality (AR) to create virtual scenarios. For instance, employees in a construction site can use AR glasses to view virtual obstacles and hazards in their surroundings. This enables them to recognize possible hazards & respond appropriately to reduce them.

Also, during safety drills & exercises, AR can offer real-time guidance & instructions. Several organizations have already included augmented reality as part of their health & safety training initiatives. For example, General Electric uses augmented reality (AR) to teach staff members how to use safety equipment & procedures in their manufacturing plants.

This guarantees that staff members are equipped to manage possible hazards and crises. Likewise, the U.S. Army trains soldiers on battlefield tactics and procedures by simulating combat scenarios using AR. Establishing a courteous and welcoming workplace requires diversity and inclusion training.

Traditional training techniques, however, may be less successful and passive in fostering comprehension and empathy. Because AR offers immersive and interactive experiences that challenge prejudices and foster empathy, it can improve diversity and inclusion training. Employees can experience a variety of viewpoints and obstacles related to diversity and inclusion by participating in virtual scenarios created through AR. To view the world from the viewpoint of someone with a disability or a different cultural background, for instance, employees can use AR glasses.

As a result, their comprehension and admiration of diversity can grow. Augmented reality can also facilitate interactive tests and activities that assess staff members’ understanding of diversity and inclusion themes. A number of organizations have already adopted AR for their diversity and inclusion training programs.

To simulate the difficulties faced by people with disabilities, for example, Google uses augmented reality (AR) to create virtual reality experiences. This fosters understanding and empathy among workers, creating a more welcoming workplace. Similarly, Accenture employs augmented reality (AR) to give staff members interactive tests and scenarios that gauge their familiarity with and comprehension of diversity and inclusion subjects.

Succession planning is essential for an organization to maintain its talent and leadership pipeline. However, traditional succession planning methods can be subjective and time-consuming. Artificial intelligence (AR) can enhance succession planning by offering unbiased, data-driven insights into workers’ abilities, potential, and skills. AR can gather and analyze data on an employee’s performance, competencies, and career goals.

AR glasses, for instance, can monitor how staff members interact, make decisions, and solve problems. Utilizing this information, customized development plans can be made for high-potential employees. Employees can also learn from seasoned managers and leaders through virtual coaching and mentoring experiences made possible by augmented reality. Many companies have already included AR in their plans for succession management. For example, using augmented reality, IBM collects and analyzes employee performance and potential data.

This helps them recognize potential leaders and gives them the chances they need to grow. Similar to this, General Electric prepares high-potential staff members for future leadership roles by using augmented reality to give them virtual coaching and mentoring experiences. Augmented reality has a lot of exciting potential in HR. As technology advances, we may anticipate even more cutting-edge uses of augmented reality in various HR roles. To fully reap the rewards of augmented reality, HR professionals must overcome a few obstacles.

One of the biggest obstacles is the expense of implementing AR technology. Augmented reality hardware and software can be costly, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses. When making a choice, HR professionals must carefully weigh the long-term advantages of AR against the investment’s return. The requirement for specific knowledge and experience to design and execute AR solutions presents another difficulty.

To guarantee the effective incorporation of augmented reality (AR) into HR procedures, HR professionals must cooperate with IT and technology specialists. They also have to ensure that staff members receive assistance and training so they can use AR technology efficiently. In summary, AR has the power to completely transform HR procedures and improve the working environment for all employees.

HR functions that AR can greatly enhance include training and development, hiring, onboarding, performance management, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, health and safety, and succession planning. To maximize the potential of augmented reality (AR), HR professionals must adopt this technology, overcome its obstacles, and take advantage of its advantages.

If you’re interested in exploring how augmented reality can revolutionize employee training programs, you might want to check out this insightful article on Designing Digitally’s website. The article “Data Protection Impact Analysis: Employee Training Program” discusses how augmented reality can enhance data protection training for HR professionals. It provides valuable insights into the benefits of using augmented reality in HR and showcases the success stories of organizations implementing this technology. To learn more about the potential of augmented reality in HR, click here.

Photo Augmented Reality

Published by Designing Digitally

A purple icon featuring a computer screen with speech bubbles is offered by an immersive training program vendor.


Our partnership starts with in-depth consulting, which helps identify all the necessary project requirements to design a learning solution that positively impacts your business. We cover all essential elements upfront to create training that will grow your workforce and make employees feel their success is valued.

A purple light bulb with a check mark representing an immersive training program vendor.


We design and develop your custom digital immersive learning programs tailored around your analysis results, learner objectives, and company goals. We communicate with you at all production stages to ensure a collaborative partnership and successful outcome.

A purple icon representing currency exchange.


Post-launch, we provide your team with ongoing analytical and measurement data, allowing us to monitor your training’s effectiveness proactively. his ensures that your solutions continuously provide performance-enhancing learning and improve your business’s overall success.

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