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Designing Digitally - A completely white, blank image with no discernible features or elements, reminiscent of a Neurocritical Care Society Emergency Neurological Life Support simulation training background. Designing Digitally -

Emergency Neurological Life Support Simulations For The Neurocritical Care Society

Designing Digitally - A completely white, blank image with no discernible features or elements, reminiscent of a Neurocritical Care Society Emergency Neurological Life Support simulation training background. Designing Digitally -


Emergency Neurological Life Support Simulations

Training Method

Training Simulations

The Client

The Neurocritical Care Society, or NCS, is an international, multidisciplinary medical society dedicated to improving the care and outcomes of patients with life-threatening neurologic illnesses in the intensive care unit. NCS required new training content for their current online course, Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS).

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The Challenge

The Neurocritical Care Society required new training content for their current online course, Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS). The ENLS Course consisted of an Introduction and 14 learning modules but lacked a simulation portion to complement these as an additional section at the end of the course.

The learning objectives NCS needed to achieve with these simulated learning experiences stemmed from feedback from participants of the ENLS course, stating they would like more opportunities to solidify the content taught. The added ENLS simulations had to provide realistic scenarios allowing learning to apply the taught information during the first portion of their training.

The scenario-based learning would also increase the learner’s perception of the benefits of the course and certification, as previous participants expressed they would like to gain additional value by retaking the program at the close of their 2-year certification.

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The solution

After working with Subject Matter Experts to gain the needed medical knowledge and understanding for authentic learning, Designing Digitally developed six 3D simulations for NCS that were successfully implemented and launched in the ENLS course.

The simulation scenarios offer learners a chance to apply their knowledge on the topics of:

  • Acute Ischemic Stroke
  • Acute Non-Traumatic Weakness
  • Brain Infection and Status Epilepticus
  • Subarachnoid
  • Hemorrhage
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

With this course’s new simulation training portion, users become more familiar with the material and can comfortably navigate a neurological emergency after completing the interactive learning scenarios. This is done in a risk-free environment where skills can be mastered before working with patients, making learners feel more confident on the job.

This 3D simulation is available to learners at any time during their 2-year course enrollment, with ongoing analytical and KPI reporting to track and measure performance and improvements.



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