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Designing Digitally - White logo of Johns Hopkins University featuring a shield with symbols and text below, denoting its excellence in medical education programs like Trauma Nurse Training Simulations, on a transparent background. Designing Digitally -

Emergency Room Nurse Training Simulations For Johns Hopkins University

Designing Digitally - White logo of Johns Hopkins University featuring a shield with symbols and text below, denoting its excellence in medical education programs like Trauma Nurse Training Simulations, on a transparent background. Designing Digitally -

Training Course

Emergency Room Nurse Training Simulations

Training Delivery

Training Simulations

The Client

 Founded in 1876, Johns Hopkins was the first U.S. university based on the European research institution model. The university was named for its first benefactor, the American entrepreneur and Quaker philanthropist Johns Hopkins.

training Sneak Peak

The Challenge

Faced with the ongoing imperative to enhance nurse training in the trauma unit, our University client sought a solution that would transcend the limitations of traditional classroom methods. As the demand for trained nurses increased, the need for a scalable and immersive training approach became increasingly apparent.

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The solution

Drawing upon extensive research into 3D simulations, our client identified Designing Digitally Inc. as the ideal partner to revolutionize their training paradigm. Leveraging the power of creative web-based training, we embarked on a transformative journey to develop a 3D scenario-based training program tailored specifically to the demands of the trauma unit.
In this cutting-edge simulation, learners are transported into a dynamic, true-to-life environment where they grapple with the pressures and challenges of the emergency room.

Through immersive scenarios, nurses learn critical skills such as administering IVs, assisting in setting broken bones, and ensuring medication accuracy within high-stakes, real-world situations. This experiential approach to cognitive learning prepares nurses for the stressors of the trauma unit but also fosters a more profound understanding and retention of essential skills.

The development process prioritized seamless integration with the client’s Learning Management System (LMS), leveraging SCORM programming to track user progress and ensure comprehensive oversight. By embedding the simulation within the LMS, administrators gain invaluable insights into user performance, enabling ongoing refinement and optimization of the training program.

Implementing this innovative web-based simulation marks a paradigm shift in trauma unit training, elevating the educational experience for nurses to unprecedented heights. By transcending the limitations of traditional classroom methods, the simulation empowers learners with practical skills and situational awareness crucial for success in high-pressure environments. As a result, our University client stands at the forefront of nurse training innovation, poised to meet the evolving demands of healthcare with confidence and excellence.



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